Monday, November 26, 2018

Psalm 56

November 26, 2018

This psalm starts another set of psalms known as "Michtam" . This is a word that means steadfast, unmovable, steady. The intro to this psalm states it is "A Michtam of David when the Philistines captured him in Gath." This reference is given to give context to the psalm. The first four verses will talk of his fear and faith at the same time. The next four verses will tell of God as destroyer and deliverer. The last verses will tell of David's trust and thanksgiving in God !.

It is clear that when David was in the process of being captured he was frightened as he writes, "For there are many who fight against me, O Most High."  He then goes on to say, " Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you."  We can see here that trust is not an emotion or feeling, but is a choice.  David says I WILL trust in You ! Verse nine shows that David knows and trusts in God as he continues to describe the actions his enemies take against him. Yet, he says, "When I cry out to you, then my enemies will will turn back ;This I know because God is for me."  This is not blind faith but a trust based in faith ! No matter the circumstances David trusts in God and his actions show it. This is one of many reasons God calls David a man after My own heart.

The ending of this psalm is best seen in verse 13 " I will render praises to You, For You have delivered my soul from death"  Very interesting choice of words !  He does NOT say You saved my body from death but he says You delivered my SOUL from death ! Once again we see a spiritual message in a historical recount. Only God can save a mans soul and David acknowledges that once again. This is the whole key to this  "Michtam" psalm.

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