Sunday, November 11, 2018

Psalm 54

November 11, 2018

David, the psalmist, was betrayed by the Ziphites during the time when Saul was trying to kill him. This psalm again has 3 distinct parts. Prayer to be saved, anticipation of being saved, and thanks for being saved. Just as the Jews will be betrayed by the Anti-Christ they also will pray to be saved, anticipate being saved, and then give thanks for being saved. We do know from the historical record that God did in fact save David from his enemies ... the Ziphites.

The first verse starts " Save me, O God, by Your name ..." This is the start of Davids prayer to be saved from his enemies. When Anti-Christ turns on the Jews, they also will cry out to God to be saved!!  Verse 4 starts with his anticipation of God saving him, " Behold, God is my helper ; The Lord is with those who uphold my life."  As Anti-Christ starts to destroy the Jews,  the Jews will know and anticipate that God will deliver them from death !  Verse 6 and 7, the final verses in this psalm, start the giving thanks to God for His salvation of David from his enemies. " I will freely sacrifice to You ; I will praise Your name, O Lord, for it is good."  This is a promise to all that in the final conflict with the enemies of God, we will be saved by God and will praise Him for our salvation !

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