Saturday, November 3, 2018

Psalm 53

November 3, 2018

This is the second of four psalms in a row that will look at the Anti-Christ. This psalm is again divided into three sections. 1) a description of those (Anti-Christ) reject God and His people, 2) The danger to those (Anti-Christ)  who reject God and His people, and 3) the deliverance of God's people from Anti-Christ.

The first part of verse on is a famous verse in scripture, " The fool has said in his heart "There is no God.""Right from the start we can see that the Anti-Christ says there is no God !  It goes on to say he is corrupt and has done abominable inequity ( unbelievable sin).  Verse two starts by saying that God looks down from heaven to see  "if there are any who understand or seek God." The answer is no ! This speaks to scripture teaching of a pre-tribulation time when Anti-Christ is in power !  "There is none who does good, No, not one."

Verse 5 talks about fear. God says that there was now fear where there was no fear before. This refers to a battle where God will deliver His people and fear will be visited upon the enemy because of what was done to His people !  This verse ends by saying, " Because God has despised them."  For all the Anti-Christ will do to the people of Israel, God will take revenge upon the Anti-Christ and his followers will all experience fear for the first time !

The last verse refers to the deliverance of His people after the demise of Anti-Christ and the remnant is brought back to Israel by God !  The last line of verse 6 says, " Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad." This refers to the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel rejoicing for God has saved them from destruction !

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