Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Psalm 57

December 5, 2018

This is the second in our series of "Michtam" psalms. Remember that means steadfast, unmovable. In these psalms we will see how David's faith is "Michtam" in God ! This psalm can be broken into two parts.  First, David pleas for protection from his enemy to God. Then, secondly, giving praise to God for what He is GOING to do. This is not arrogant praying or taking God for granite. This is a state of heart that you know God has got your back ! "Michtam" !

The setting for this psalm is when Saul was chasing David down to kill him. Saul knew that David was anointed to be king and Saul was not having any of that. This particular time Saul was after David and he hid in a cave. While in the cave Saul comes into it as David and his men are hiding in the dark ! It was in this setting that David writes this psalm. Verse four starts " My soul is among lions ; I lie among the sons of men who are set on fire."  Satan is the lion and his minions are the men who are set on fire. The term "set on fire" means that their hearts are set on fire to kill David ! The first six verses of this psalm are like this where David is telling God about his fear and his position he finds himself in.

Starting in  verse seven David begins to give God praise and glory for what God is about to do for David.  " My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast ; I will sing and give praise. "  Whenever the writers of the bible wanted to drive a point home ... one of the literary tools they would use is  to repeat a key word or phrase. Remember when Jesus would say "Verily, verily I say to you ..." That meant listen to what I am about to say because this is important. Here, David is saying this is important to this whole psalm. "My heart is steadfast" is at the heart of this "Michtam" psalm. It shows that no matter the circumstance or danger David finds himself in he knows that God is with him. Now you know why God calls only one man in the bible "A man after my own heart."  David ! This is a beautiful and encouraging psalm to paint us a picture of what true faith looks like in practice and gives us a goal to try to achieve in our own walk with Jesus !!